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来源:西亚非洲 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-02
摘要:2 圭多煤矿/Guido Coal Mine(图片来源/Sources: Coal Mining Museum, Zabrze) A sensitive transformation is applied in the former coal mine Maciej Shaft in Zabrze. It is part of the bigger comp

2 圭多煤矿/Guido Coal Mine(图片来源/Sources: Coal Mining Museum, Zabrze)

A sensitive transformation is applied in the former coal mine Maciej Shaft in Zabrze. It is part of the bigger complex of edifices of the former Concordia mine from the 1920s. Among others,the Maciej Shaft ensemble offers a full gourmet restaurant and posh pub. Tourists can visit the main building of the shaft, along with the top of hoisting tower, an engine room and a water station. In 2015,the Maciej Shaft won the prize of Polish Minister of Culture as a well-maintained monument.

The Route of Industrial Monuments - the thematical route in Poland that highlights all aspects of industrial culture and heritage in the region -attracted 6.5 million vistors in the last 10 years.□

3-6 圭多煤矿/Guido Coal Mine(图片来源/Sources: Coal Mining Museum, Zabrze)

7-12 路易斯女王横井/Queen Louise Mine(7.9.10图片来源/Sources: Ars Cameralis Silesiae Superioris;8图片来源/Sources: Silesian Voivodeship, Industrial Monument Route;11.12图片来源/Sources: Coal Mining Museum, Zabrze)

13 扎布热马切伊竖井外景/Exterior view of Maciej Shaft in Zabrze(图片来源/Source: Silesian Voivodeship, Industrial Monuments Route)

14.15 扎布热马切伊竖井全美食餐厅内景/Interior views of full gourmet restaurant in Maciej Shaft in Zabrze(14.15图片来源/Sources: Silesian Voivodeship, Industrial Monuments Route)





ZHANG Ming: The project of mines in post-mining era in Silesian voivodeship, Poland, maintains the historic and cultural value of the industrial heritage through preserving the entire mining system. It separates the old buildings from the new ones and identifies the spectacular characteristics of the underground industrial structures. Besides, this project implants modern life into the mine well and introduces immersive experience for the visitors, which proves to be marvelous scheme and operation. Nevertheless, although occupying the original positions of the mining wells, the scale and the landscape of the new buildings above the ground do not match the former industrial textures, which to some extent disturbs the post-industrial Hao: The project has to deal with the problem of how to properly use a mining area that is still operating after its eventual termination. In comparison with the renowned German Essen-Ruhr Industrial Area renovation, its design is apparently more focused on visitors' "in-depth" experience of the trivialities in the old mining production: visitors are not only able to descend over 300m underground, immerse themselves among labyrinthine extraction points, and see operable steam winding engines, but enjoy boating in the longest subterranean hydro-engineering work of European coal mines. Such "in-depth experience",with an alternation of old mining monuments and contemporary recreational facilities under modern designs for the lighting landscape, manages to avoid making visitors victims of "claustrophobia". These may well be where the renovation project can bring inspirations. (Translated by SHANG Jin)

16 希维托赫洛维采的矿井卷扬塔/Mine Hoist Towers in Swietochlowice(图片来源/Sources: Silesian Voivodeship,Industrial Monuments Route)

文章来源:《西亚非洲》 网址: http://www.xyfzzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0302/460.html


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